Noah Cyrus

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歌詞翻譯 | Noah Cyrus, Benjamin Gibbard – Every Beginning Ends

真的好愛 Noah Cyrus,特別是這種吉他合唱類型,她的聲音總是如此有力量又細緻地唱出歌詞裡的故事,和合唱的歌手 Benjamin 相輔相成接應住彼此的聲音,聽完以後覺得心裡酸酸的同時又被好好地治癒到的感覺。 歌詞中文翻譯 You went to sleep without saying you love me你睡前沒和我說愛我就上床了I guess I thought you already knew我猜我以為你早就知道了You’ve been so cold and far from me, darling你最近對我好冷但又充滿距離感,親愛的Someone’s at fault, but I’m not blaming you這是某人的錯,但我並不怪你 I can’t remember the last time you touched me我無法記起你上次碰觸我的時候I can’t recall you making the move我無法回想你做出行動Doesn’t seem all that long

歌詞翻譯 | Noah Cyrus, Benjamin Gibbard – Every Beginning Ends Read More »