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歌詞翻譯 | Dylan – Someone Else

Dylan 在這個 MV 裡面也太漂亮了吧>///< 那個眼神已經太會勾人!! 歌詞中文翻譯 Your devil smile你惡魔般的微笑Deep hazel eyes深棕色的雙眼Drivin’ me wild使我瘋狂Stuck on my mind縈繞在我腦海Can’t sleep at night無法入睡Since you arrived自從你到來以後 Overthinking, lucid dreamin’過度思考,整天幻想Lipstick stains up on the ceiling口紅印在天花板上Out of my league, overreaching超出我的觸碰範圍 Why don’t you want me darlin’?為甚麼你不想要我呢?Why don’t you want me to yourself?為什麼你不想要獨佔我呢?It should be me that you’re calling我應該是你打電話的對象It should be me and

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