5 Seconds of Summer

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歌詞翻譯 | 5 Seconds of Summer – 2011

5 SOS 熱騰騰的新歌!不知道為甚麼覺得歌詞想表達的和 FINNEAS 最近的新歌 The 90s 有些許類似,或許年底到了就是一些忍不住懷念過去的時期(?) 歌詞中文翻譯 I miss the days when we were young and not too wise我想念那些我們還年輕而沒有太過聰明的日子Only doing what felt right只做感覺對了的事With open hearts and open eyes帶著敞開的心胸和眼界I miss the days before I second guessed my life我想念我還沒猜疑我人生的日子Wasn’t always asking why從不質疑原因I remember what it’s like我記起了那是什麼感覺 Maybe it’s just too late for the old me也許這對長大的我來說太遲了Maybe

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