Melice 是誰
「快分享給你的姊妹!」這句話在這裡是指 literally 的姊妹,Melice 誕生於一對平常就會(因為沒什麼朋友)跟彼此分享生活好物、近期愛歌和交流美妝的姊妹,決定要把這些分享、心得整理在部落格上和更多人交流而創造出的虛擬人物,所以看到不同語氣並不是人格分裂,一個在美國、一個在台灣,不過一樣的是聽到好歌會閃閃發亮的眼睛和買到喜歡的東西時會忍不住雀躍的心。
在這邊的分享我們都會保持自己誠實的觀感抒發,當有業配/合作/公關品的時候也會在文中標註,也希望 Melice 可以成為你忠實的好朋友,和你交換心事、彼此推坑爆買,讓你在這裡得到一點小小生活的快樂與慰藉。
Melice is a fictional character created by two sisters who love to share lifestyle goodies, favorite songs, and cosmetic products with each other. We decided to share these with more people and hence created this figure and the blog (so it is totally normal if you feel that Melice has different personalities sometimes). One lives in the US, the other lives in Taiwan, but we both have hearts that throb when heard some great music, and eyes that sparkle when bought something lovely.
We write our posts base on our honest opinion and experience, and we note it in the post if there is any form of advertisement (such as gifted, sponsorship, or affiliate links) included. We hope that Melice can become a friend of yours – exchange our moments of life, recommend products we love to each other, and let you find some sparkles of joy.
Melice Her World 網站地圖
歌詞翻譯類別的標籤以歌手名字和專輯名稱為主,太多了放上來會有點可怕哈哈,如果有想找的歌手、歌曲或專輯,建議使用網站右上角的搜尋功能~如果找不到你喜歡的歌曲,也歡迎到我的 Instagram 首頁限時動態精選區的「歌曲許願」留下歌曲名稱和歌手的名字!
English Posts
Posts around lifestyle & growth, book notes, and product reviews.
歡迎來我的 Facebook 和 Instagram 聊聊天、跟我推薦你最近喜歡的歌曲和好物 🙂 也可以追蹤看更多日常生活內容、更及時的貼文分享!
Melice Her World 網站有參加 Amazon Affiliate 及 Affliates.One 聯盟計畫,點擊文中合作連結後購買商品並不會影響您的購買價格,而我會得到少許回饋傭金,謝謝您支持這個部落格的經營!我會盡量將有合作的連結都標示星號 (*) ,但聯盟計畫的合作夥伴持續在變動,所以可能無法即時更新所有連結標示,如果不想要的話可以直接從自己習慣的管道購買,或是去搜尋也找的到~