10 Most Basic College Kitchen Essentials (With Free PDF Checklist!)

I can still recall when I first moved to my new place as a student. I had already spent a bunch of money and efforts on buying all the other school supplies and textbooks, and just want the very essential kitchen tools to start with so I can feed myself, then maybe I can purchase some other fancy kitchen gadgets later when I have time. But most of the “essential lists” were long and, well, not as essential as I thought it would be.

So I’ve created a list of the most basic items that you’ll need to make your kitchen function. There is also a PDF file for free download so you can print it out or have a digital checklist. This list will also work for moving into new places in general, not just college kitchens!

The kitchen essential list for you to setup a well-function happy college kitchen from scratch

  1. Knife
  2. Cutting board
  3. Pan
  4. Silicone spatula/wooden spoon
  5. Bowl
  6. Fork/spoon/chopsticks
  7. Kettle
  8. Airtight container
  9. Dish soap
  10. Sponge
  11. (Maybe not essential but highly recommend) Water filter

In this list, we’ve covered all the basics – from cooking/eating, drinking, packing, to cleaning. Next, I will explain more about the purpose of having each item and some of the options for you to choose the one that suits you the best.

10 most basic college kitchen essentials

Cooking and eating

1. Knife

Yes, you’ll need some tools to help you deal with the groceries. A sharp knife can actually make it safer (as long as you use it in the right way) to cut. Choose a good knife to be your best pal in the kitchen could make cooking more efficient and safer. You can also consider buying a knife set to help with multiple different use cases.

2. Cutting board

Having a strong and steady cutting board with enough cutting space can set up a good foundation for your kitchen works. A good looking one can also act as a decoration piece in your kitchen and make your cooking process more Instagrammable.

3. Pan

Depends on your cooking style and your favorite dishes, you can start with just one non-stick pan (I’m using this one from GreenPan and I highly recommend it!) or saucepan. (You will be amazed by how many different dishes a frying pan can make!) There are a lot of other cooking kitchenware that many people would consider essential. You can also add them to your list according to your need or purchase them as your cooking journey goes.

4. Silicone spatula or wooden spoon

You’ll need some magic wands to stir the ingredients while you cook. A silicone spatula or wooden spoon is preferred, especially if you go with a non-stick pan in the last section, since they are the kind of tools that would not hurt the surface of the pan compared to those metal ones.

5. Bowl

Theoretically, yes, you can eat straight out of the pan without a bowl. But most of the time it is still easier to have a bowl or plate in hand (or more than one, actually). You can easily find fancy bowls and plates that you like. But dollar store ones can do a great job, too. Pick a bowl or plate that fits your style to make every meal an enjoyable one!

6. Fork/spoon/chopsticks

These handy tools will help you deliver food from the plate to the destination – mouth. Sticking to the “most essential” theme, having one would enable you to survive. But just like bowls and plates, having multiple of them will make your life easier.


7. Kettle

From water to tea, coffee, and oatmeal, a kettle that provides hot water can bring more diversity and happy little things to your break time in a simple way.

I’ve been using this AmazonBasics one for over a year now. It’s affordable, durable, and easy-to-use.

Water filter (Maybe not essential but highly recommend)

You could directly boil the tap water and drink it. But having a water filter can provide you with another layer of safety net. Depends on which area do you live in, it could be a lot better to have a water filter for your drinking water. It is not really essential, but I will highly recommend you to get one. And be sure to check what are the biggest water concerns in your area then choose the right filter accordingly to keep yourself healthier!

I use this one from Brita, which is certified by WQA and will reduce lead (not all filters do!).


8. Airtight container

Airtight containers (I prefer the glass ones for my food) are good for storing leftovers, and also doing meal prep! It will also help you naturally keep the refrigerator more organized.


9. Dish soap

Well, let’s face it, we will need to deal with those dishes eventually. Dish soap is a must-have item to prevent your sink from being over-loaded and keep your kitchenware fresh and clean.

10. Sponge

Yes, you can have the dishwasher work for you as your ultimate weapon. But sponges will still come in handy for small, quick cleanings even if you don’t do the dishes by hand. And these non-scratch ones can help you maintain a healthier relationship with your kitchenware.

If you are looking for a handy checklist…

As I mentioned, the PDF version of the list is ready for you! You can download the free PDF below as your checklist when preparing to move into your new dorm room (or just any new places, really.) Or if you prefer an image version, feel free to Pin it on your Pinterest, take a screenshot, or download it below as well!

Checklist for 10 most basic kitchen essentials you'll need for your new kitchen

I hope this list help you set up your new kitchen with ease. Feel free to comment down below and share your thoughts and experience with me. And… happy cooking!

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